Saturday, November 26, 2016

Smart? or Mykel Board's Post MRR Column no. 40

Post MRR Column no 40
or If you're so smart, how come you ain't rich?

You start with the legs. Of course your knife has to be razor sharp... as pointy as a party hat. Slowly push the knifepoint into the rabbit skin... just at the ankle. A small stream of blood will trickle from the wound, but if the rabbit is properly inverted... hung from the feet... the drip will end quickly as the blood pools in the headside of the animal. Cut in a circle... mohel-like... around each ankle. It might be tempting to remove the feet for good luck, but that comes at the end.

From the cut ankle circles, slice a straight line down toward the rabbit-ass. Don't cut too deeply or muscle will stick to the skin. You're only interested in the skin itself. It's gonna be part of a coat, you know.

When you reach the tail, you have to cut through the tailbone. Be careful... a slip of the knife could pierce the bladder and the animal skin will be soaked with rabbit piss. From there.....

FLASH TO FACEBOOK: After the hoopla of Donny Trump choosing an “Alt-Right” chief of staff, I decided to check out what Alt-Right is. Seems like it's a nationalistic, pro-white, anti-PC, capitalist, somewhat libertarian group. I figure, there's got to be an ALT-LEFT someplace. That is an international, color-neutral, socialist, somewhat libertarian, anti-PC group. And sure enough... facebook connect me to ALT-LEFT. I join.

But instead of color-neutral, these guys are spreading the same pro-white stuff as ALT-RIGHT. They brag about the correlation of high salary and high IQ …. and how that shows your brains are in your DNA.

What's most interesting/weird are the constant references to socio-biology and relative racial IQs. There's a continuous debate... with footnotes... over whether colored folks are biologically dumber than whitefolks.

People argue with the methodology. They discuss whether a representative sample of each race was chosen. They talk about statistical misuse. They talk about the notorious BELL CURVE where scientists® have proven® that most white people are smarter than most colored or Hispanic people. It's all in the IQ tests.

Ok, let's investigate.

Like any other modern person, I ask the internet for an IQ test. (I score 137, by the way). First, the website tells me that the BBC says: A person's Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is, arguably, one of their most important characteristics. It is believed that you can predict a person's behavior more accurately from their IQ than from any other single piece of information about them."
It is believed? Who believes it?

And the test? What kind of questions do they ask?

PEACH is to HCAEP as 46251 is to:
     25641 26451 12654 51462 15264 

or Ralph likes 25 but not 24; he likes 400 but not 300; he likes 144 but not 145.
Which does he like: 10 50 124 200 1600 

or If you rearrange the letters "CIFAIPC" you would have the name of a(n):
City Animal Ocean River Country

And I'm thinking:


Do you want Ralph to get more from his boss... the country... your taxes... because he likes the number 25, but not 24? Do you think it's important to recognize HCAEP is PEACH backwards? How useful is that when there's a rabbit that needs skinning?

Who could possibly care about a bell-curve of people who can unscramble the word CIFAIPC? What does that mean for people whose first language is NOT English? Can you unscramble GCAHNI UT AMRED? And even if you can, how far with that get you when the tacos need to be made?

I suppose... based on these tests... Wall Street brokers, bankers, atomic scientists, and Hillary Clinton have high IQs... Do you want to give them any more value... any higher position... for that? Can you tell me one benefit of being smart?... in the IQ sense of the word.

Just like Think Outside The Box has become the most In-The-Box phrase in advertising... rewarding Being Smart is the Dumbest way to run a society. There is no social benefit in knowing what number Ralph likes.

There is no possible reason to value a high IQ. What good is it? How does giving more money to someone who can rearrange CIFAIPC make the world a better place to live in? I don't see it.

How did this happen? How did being smart (that is having a high IQ) become a valuable asset? It seems odd in a country that built its reputation on powerful fists and fast guns.... a place where the bad guy in every movie is the Mad Professor or the Criminal Genius. It seems even stranger when Ronnie Reagan, possibly the most popular president, built his image riding a horse and corralling cows-- not on publishing in Foreign Affairs magazine.

Here's my guess: White guys find themselves a minority in a place that they're used to occupying top-dog position. Affirmative action, sympathy, and a wave of leftist totalitarianism (trigger warnings, professor firings over speech issues, speakers prohibited from college campuses, the rise in segregationist safe spaces) have scared the white folks... made them circle the wagons... look for SOMETHING that proves they're better. Aaah, got it! IQ!!! And now, if we look at the DNA... we can find out it BELONGS TO US... BECAUSE WE'RE WHITE!

So the guys who make the IQ tests are the ones who will score high on the IQ tests. What a surprise. Listen guys, being smart (having a high IQ) is the most idiotic way to judge the value of a person. Empathy, compassion, tolerance, ability to cooperate for the common good... creativity maybe... these are much more important than IQ. Of course there is a correlation between high salary and high IQ. The guys paying the salaries are the same heartless scumbags who need MORE heartless scumbags to increase their profit. That's the name of the game. But it's not MY game and I don't care if IQ is biological or if it comes from eating bacon-wrapped asparagus.

Why should ANYONE care about the biology of IQ? If you want to do the research, fine with me. But the results are as useful as discovering the history of Gilyak. Politically, laws apply to everyone equally. IQ is not in the mix. People have different traits... maybe biological... maybe social... most probably a mix. Where those traits come from does not matter in society. Being smart® is not important. In fact, it's useless, unless you want to steal from someone. There is no more reason to give any benefit to someone who can spell PEACH backwards, than there is to give a benefit to someone who can skin a rabbit without getting rabbit piss all over the fur. Probably less.

ENDNOTES: [You can contact me on facebook or by email at Through the post office: send those... er... private DVDs..or music or zines... or anything else (legal only!) to: Mykel Board, POB 137, New York, NY 10012-0003. If you like my writing, you can be notified when anything new is available by subscribing to the MYKEL'S READERS Yahoo group]

-->Alt-Alt Left Dept:  Because the Facebook version of Alt-Left is so race-fixated, I think it's time to start a new page... either a facebook page or a completely independent site. But I need some interest... and some contributors! If you have ideas... or would just like such a site to exist... let me know at:  Positive responses by ten people will signal a go ahead. 

-->I was Wrong Dept: Last blog I wrote: This blog will appear just before the 2016 presidential election... probably the most useless presidential election in American history. From the get-go, I predicted a Clinton victory...
But all the other trustworthy® media (NY TIMES, CNN, FOX) made the same mistake. So I don't feel so bad.

What pisses me off is the media's REACTION to Trump. Instead of saying We Were Wrong, they're saying I Told You So.... with ridiculous stories of a spate of “hate crimes” unfolding after Trump's election. Many of the stories are FALSE.

And the others? Are people being shot, stabbed, or run over because they're colored? Are there anti-Mexican mob attacks... like the peasants at the house of Dr. Frankenstein? NO! Almost all the “crimes” are GRAFITTI. That's it! Scribbling on a wall... that's a HATE CRIME!!!

Jeeee-zus! When did we learn about sticks and stones?

-->It's a free country, ain't it? Dept: Obama was the hardest president ever on press freedom. (Can you say Edward Snowden?). He prosecuted more whistle-blowers than anyone before. Yet I still hear Americans talk about how great it is to live in a “free country” and how Obama is a champion of that freedom. Yeah right.
The World Press Freedom Index ranks the U.S. as number 41 in the world. That's behind Tonga, Chile, Samoa, Slovakia, Jamaica, and many others. Next trip... TONGA!

-->Asking the right questions dept: When there was a spate of police murdering colored guys... especially unarmed colored guys... including a kid with a toy gun... I asked what would happen if there was some risk to this. What would happen if every time a cop shot an innocent colored guy... a cop someplace GOT shot? I didn't advocate such action, of course, but just wondered out loud what would happen.

Now we're beginning to see it. More than fifty cops were shot this year... many NOT involved in a gunfight. Maybe the war has begun-- with the other side finally fighting back.
I see two possibilities:

1. #policelivesmater and #blacklivesmatter will sit down over beer and newly legal marijuana to discuss their differences. Make a truce.


2. The war intensifies until President Trump has to call in the National Guard to separate the sides.

I dunno. But both solutions seem pretty far from reality. We'll see. Things ARE getting interesting.

--> Keeping the Pressure on Dept: I want to thank reader George Metesky for suggesting a continuing Bring Back Mykel effort directed at Maximum Rock'n'Roll for censoring me.
As their revolving editrixes move on to commercial ventures, each blames her predecessors for my demise... as if they had no control over the business... and couldn't simply invite me back.

Send your comments to (or post on their facebook page) with the subject line: BRING BACK MYKEL! Let me know how they answer.

See you in hell.


NOTE: If you're interested in my travel blog, you can read it at

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

I Was Wrong or Mykel's Election Postmortem

Postmortem (Second Version)

November 9, 2016

by Mykel Board

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. H. L. Mencken (disputed)

I was wrong. I predicted a Clinton landslide. I expected the American people... influenced by the press (57 of the top 100 newspapers supported Clinton, 48 gave no endorsement, 2 endorsed Trump)... scared by horror stories of a maniac at the atomic button... extermination of Mexicans... a gun in the hand of ever wacko... I expected them to run to the polls like scared rabbits, scratching out ballots for Clinton faster than you could say Michael Moore. I expected a planned election... engineered by that least democratic of political parties: The Democrats. (Leaked emails proved that the party leadership steered the party toward Clinton-- away from Sanders-- from the early primaries. The primaries themselves, were fixed by unelected superdelegates.) I even offered odds. Three to one on the election Ten to one on NY State. Lucky for me, no one took me up on it.

Now that the election is over, the scapegoat charges have already started flying. Third Party Candidates, The Electoral College, Trump Rigging... Democrats are looking everywhere... except in the mirror.

Here are some other interesting results from the election. From Yahoo:Voters in California, Massachusetts, and Nevada opted to fully legalize marijuana for recreational purposes. They join Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, and the District of Columbia in legalizing pot.

Voters in Arkansas, Florida, and North Dakota also opted to legalize medical marijuana. And voters in Montana voted to ease their state’s rules on medical marijuana. No state voted against allowing pot for medicinal purposes.

Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Washington state all considered raising their minimum wages to $12 an hour. And the proposal won in all four of these states.

At the same time, South Dakota voters overwhelmingly rejected a measure that would have reduced the minimum wage for those under the age of 18.

Candidates for prosecutor who campaigned on prison reform won in several states, from Florida to Texas. And a Democratic challenger defeated Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who billed himself as “America’s toughest sheriff” and got into trouble repeatedly for racial profiling. 
Meanwhile, initiatives to reduce prison sentences passed in California and Oklahoma. And New Mexico passed a constitutional amendment that dictates no one should be jailed because they can’t afford bail — a major reform to make sure people aren’t locked in jail just because they’re poor.

What happened? Weren't we beaten into believing Clinton was the progressive candidate and Trump was a fascist?

Here's how I see it:

I'm not sad Trump won. I didn't support him, but I'm glad for the first time since 1981, there won't be a Clinton or Bush among the top three positions in The U.S. (or running for one of them). More than that, about 50% HALF the eligible voters didn't vote. They were so disgusted by BOTH candidates that they felt there was just nothing to vote for. For one reason or another, Trump (sort of) inspired his followers. What kind of inspiration can come from a Clinton whose only talking point is: I Am Not Trump? I understand and sympathize with the non-voters.
If you remember, early polls said that Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump. People wanted A CHANGE! Another Clinton is not a change. Minimum wage, marijuana, prison reform... these are changes. That's why the issues won and Clinton did not.

Like the Brexit folks, tired of their lives being controlled by the gnomes of Brussels, the Trump folks weren't keen on the expansion of corporatism begun by (the other) Clinton and carried forward by GW Bush and Obama. The TPP is DEAD! Proposed by Obama, called the gold standard of treaties by (the current) Clinton, supported by most Republicans in Congress, this treaty would have given away the US government's right to pollution controls, minimum wages, occupational safety and more, if it interfered with international business. Pressured by Sanders, Clinton agreed to “oppose” the treaty, but would have “changed her mind” within her first 3 months in office. Now, the treaty is dead. And an already-passed Clinton NAFTA treaty, is in trouble.

Clinton was the war candidate. The one who wanted to strengthen NATO... easy code for saber rattling. She wanted to increase tensions at the Russian border, setting up the same kinds of weapons John Kennedy almost started WW3 to get rid of. Americans were having none of it. It's nice to have international leaders be friends. You have fewer wars that way,

As long as we see Trump supporters as just redneck anti-immigrant hicks with no validity in their point of view, Trump will continue to win. As long as one party chooses hacks and the other a non-hack... the non-hack will win. I wish the Democrats would learn. I doubt they will. Some idiot will say... see America is right-wing and we have to move to the right to win. That idiot will be wrong.

This is not about right vs left. It's about arrogant keepers of the mainstream vs a shake-up. It's about people who make speeches to farmers and people paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to make speeches to bankers. It's about people buying and people being bought.

If the Democrats were smart, they would nominate someone like Elizabeth Warren next time... or maybe even more of an outsider who we don't know yet. The Democrats are not smart. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the Democratic party.

Americans? H. L. Mencken... and I... were wrong. They're smarter than we thought.

--Supplemental Column
regular column posted at:
For a video from the UK that expresses a similar idea see: 

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Q.E.D. or Mykel Board's Post MRR Column no. 39



Post MRR  Column no 39

These days more people are interested if Lincoln was gay than if he was right.  Stephen Carter

They were the kind of people that give heterosexuality a bad name... and what better place for them than in a gym lockerroom? They LIVE in a gym lockerroom... with hetero muscles out to here... You know the type.

NOTE FOR THE UNOBSERVANT: Both hets and homos love the gym. They love building muscles... and showing them under naked skin. But homo muscles are different from het muscles. Here's how to tell:

Homo muscles work together.... the focus is the shape. Homo arm muscles bulge, but not at the expense of chest muscles. The homo gym-body is a V mounted on a tight ass. No part is overdeveloped to ugliness. The body is a symphony... all the muscles complementing each other... large, but sculpted.

Het muscles are in competition with each other.... the focus is size. Arms can be two hippo legs mounted on a giant pumpkin. Het muscles are jazz... they fight each other for prominence... taking a solo here or there... rarely playing together. The key to het muscles is they must be built, developed... any muscle... all muscles. Fuck the other muscles around it. Het gym-bunnies usually look like they have very small heads because of the large muscles around that organ. Anyway, it's an organ they rarely use. Take a look:

So these guys are a pair of the het ones... as ugly as a pair of anal warts... and just as annoying. Oh yeah, they're white guys... at least they looked white to me. One is blond, almost surfer-looking. The other has a dark crewcut, just flecked with gray.

“Har har har,” says the blond guy, “I told her... you like my arm muscles? Wait 'til you see my LOVE muscle! Har... har... har...”

“Oh yeah, says the other one, “I know that story....” he makes one of those flex moves you see on the GNC cans of protein powder.

“See this?
I tell the lovely ladies. “I'll let you run your tongue over my crevice, if you let me run my tongue over your crevice.”

“Crevice!” says the blond guy, “that's a good one! Har... har... har...”

By now they're blocking my locker... two non-green hulks right in front of where my school clothes are. I've got a class to teach.

“Excuse me,” I say.

The blond guy looks at me as I were something he mistakenly stepped in.

“Sorry,” I say. “I'm just trying to get to my locker... over there.”

The other guy shakes his head. “Some people,” he says in italics, “belong in a gym. Some don't.”

“Look,” I say to him, “I'm just trying to get dressed. It's nothing personal.”

He wrinkles his forehead in a questioning gaze, an expression common to het gym-bunnies.

“Look,” I tell him, “I support you guys. I believe in your right to get married. It's nothing personal...”

“What the fuck?” says the blond guy. “If you weren't shorter than my dick and older than my grandfather I'd put your lights out.”

“Thank you for not doing that sir,” I say. “And believe me. I have several friends who are... are... just like you. I'm not embarrassed by them at all.”

There's nothing as challenging to a macho het as a challenge to his heterotude. Likewise, there's nothing as challenging to a white guy as a challenge to his ubiquity. Take the focus away from a whiteguy's being Mr Average and he freaks out.  #Blacklivesmatter, for example, shouldn't challenge anyone. They know what's happening... they live it. It's as clear as the dead Negro in the street.

“Mykel,” says the voice that comes to me when I sit in the library and write this stuff. It's not a voice that makes other people turn their heads... it's just a voice inside my own head.

I know this way of saying my name. I don't mean wrongly pronounced... “Mickel” rhyming with pickle, for example... or Mi-KELL, like My Bell. Those mistakes I quickly correct.

This particular Mykel though... this one... pronounced with a half sigh... the M breathed through the nose like a bullsnort. This Mykel will have something following it... something that means what's wrong with you? don't you know that.....?”

Mykel,” comes my name again. “How can you support #Blacklivesmatter? Don't you know that they're racist? ALL lives matter, right? Not just black ones.”

I feel the muscle strain as my eyes roll upwards. I don't even believe in a beneficent God... so who the fuck am I asking for help?... I can't help myself.

“They're not racist,” I groan. “They just want to include something long excluded. If my closet is filled with black clothes, and you tell me... Mykel, your clothes don't have any color. I'll tell you Black is a color. This is the same thing. Black Lives Matter doesn't mean other lives don't matter.”

“Mykel, Mykel, Mykel,” that same annoying intonation... I reach for my gun... I don't have a gun. “If racism is discrimination by race and they are focusing on race, they're racist. Kyew, Eeee, Deee!”

“Did you say Q.E.D. to me?” I ask. “W.T.F?”

“By your own definition!” comes the reply. “You've said it yourself.”

So I have. That mysterious voice has got me there.

If my 67 years of causing trouble on this planet have taught me anything, they've taught me if the answer is wrong... Check the question.

Before I get to the optimum question let's go back to the 1970s. I was in my 20s, against everything. My young life was filled with late hour discussions with my friends and family... mostly about politics. My father was smarter than me. My friends were not.

“Mykel, (actually back then it was Michael, but the tone of voice was the same),” said Bobby, “How could you like Communism? Stalin was a Communist. He killed millions. You like all that murder?”

“I'm not talking about Stalin,” I say. “I'm talking about the idea of communism.”

“Same shit,” says Bobby. “Stalin was bad. Stalin was a communist. Therefore communism is bad.”

He did not say Q.E.D., but he might have.

What I'm writing about this month is what I label LABELISM. That is, ending discussion by definition. X=Y and Y is bad,  so X is bad.  Hitler was a vegetarian. Hitler was bad therefore vegetarianism is bad.         Q.E. non- fuckin' D!

We label something racist, sexist, PC, ableist, communist, terrorist... the list is endless. We claim that just by affixing the label, we've answered/ended the argument... without justifying what we're saying. If we don't end the argument, we change the focus, so the debate no longer focuses on the topic of discussion, but on the label itself.

Donald Trump is a misogynist... No he isn't... Yes he is....

Yo! It doesn't matter. What matters is... is he right? Who cares how many pussies he's claimed to have grabbed? Will he threaten Russia or make peace with it?

LABELISM paints with such a wide brush that the painter herself gets splashed. Some maniac in Florida turns a machinegun loose on a homo-filled disco. TERRORISM! shout a ton of politicians, anti-homo Republicans among the loudest. So what do we do? Once we have a label, we know who to kill.

We drop drones on Pakistanis... figuring a terrorist here... a terrorist there.  They're all terrorists... kill 'em!

There is no reasoned discussion. No thought that Pakistanis had nothing to do with California. No thought that killing someone in some other country makes sympathizers in this country. Kill more... get more sympathizers.

The question is not whether #Blacklivesmatter is racist or not. The question is whether they are right. Of course it's racist (to make choices based on race) to focus on Black, rather than all lives. Just as it's racist to give preference to a student university applicant because she's black... but is it right? If I label something RACIST... does that put an end to the discussion? Often the answer is YES... but it shouldn't.

Racist or not, #Blacklivesmatter is calling attention to a shoot-first-and-ask-questions-never attitude when cops confront Negroes. This attention-calling is the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if it's racist or not.

Affirmative Action-- racist or not-- gives an ever-so-slight extra boost to people who have more than a hundred years of hindrance. The label racist does not answer the question: is it right?

Or take the case of the Oregon bookstore that featured a display on Banned Books. They wanted to show how the freedom to read... and the freedom to write has been hampered throughout American history.

Among the books in their display was Little Black Sambo, a 19th century story about a black boy who out-smarted a tiger.  The art in the book is stereotypical of colored people in American history: big eyes, big white lips… A local arts group organized a boycott of the store and, at last report, the place was set to go out of business. The book is racist, they say. No it isn't say others.  

IT DOESN'T MATTER. The bookstore was displaying censored books in a display to oppose censorship. One of the key points in the opposition to censorship is that even (ESPECIALLY) ideas you don't like should not be censored. RACIST answers nothing! It's not the question. Censorship is the question, and-- in this case-- the reaction to the display proved the point.

And so it goes. Instead of discussing merits... good points and bad points... right and wrong... people talk about labels. It’s impossible that prisoners have micro-chips implanted in their brains. Why? Such talk is conspiracist! That ends the conversation. Forget if the charges are true or not. Just labeling CONSPIRACY is enough to end the argument.

Flying saucers, Roswell, the anti-vaccinists... they're labeled conspiracy. As if that serves as an answer rather than... are they right?

Forget that there really are conspiracies. The CIA really did plan to assassinate Castro with a poison cigar. The US army really did test LSD on American soldiers. The US government really did infect colored men in Tuskegee, Alabama with syphilis-- just to see what would happen.

Calling something conspiracy doesn't invalidate it. PROVING something is a conspiracy theory doesn't invalidate it. The only thing that matters is if it's true.

Yes, we need labels to live. We can't talk about anything without labeling it. Labels enable thought. I'm not objecting to labels. I'm objecting to letting labels be the end of the discussion. The period on the sentence. The semen in the blowjob. The beershit the morning after. LABELISM prevents thought.

ENDNOTES: [You can contact me on facebook or by email at Through the post office: send those... er... private DVDs..or music or zines... or anything else (legal only!) to: Mykel Board, POB 137, New York, NY 10012-0003. If you like my writing, you can be notified when anything new is available by subscribing to the MYKEL'S READERS Yahoo group]

-->Conspiracy Dept.: This blog will appear just before the 2016 presidential election... probably the most useless presidential election in American history. From the get-go, I predicted a Clinton victory... and as time progressed, I've become more convinced that it was the plan cooked up by the Clintons and the Trumps from the beginning. For most Americans, Clinton's ONLY appeal is that she's not Trump. I bet that's enough to get her elected... and maybe... sometime between now and WWIII... we'll see Donny and Bill on the golf-course together again... yucking it up just like they used to. Conspiracy theory? Maybe. But is it right?

-->Creative cops dept: Douglas Lydic was sitting in the back of a cop car. He didn't have much choice. He was put there-- in handcuffs. The cops were holding him while they searched his house for drugs. They didn't find any. But, while the cops were searching, the guy managed to climb out the window of the cop car-- still handcuffed-- and run away. The cops captured him and this time brought charges. Those charges?
          1. Escape.
          2. Theft of handcuffs.
I shit you not.

→> Violence from the left dept: New York University canceled a speech by gay conservative, Milo Yiannopoulos. The speech was supposed to be part of Yiannopoulos's Dangerous Faggot Tour. The university's reason? “security concerns.”
     It is a victory of propaganda to claim that the RIGHT is the violent sector, when all the violence at right-wing events is initiated by leftists in protest. Ultimately, it proves violence works!

-->Proving my point dept: While this blog was waiting for a final proof-read, I read this a friend's facebook page. It's about Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for president.
As I understand her view, she believes that some vaccines cause problems and we are discouraged from discussing this out of a fear we will be labeled "anti-vaxxer" or "anti-science." But she believes, as do others, that our general comfort with Big Pharma is based on arguably corrupted FDA reviews, which we don't question out of fear of getting stuck with the aforementioned labels.
See what I mean?

--> Keeping the Pressure on Dept: I want to thank reader George Metesky for suggesting a continuing Bring Back Mykel effort directed at Maximum Rock'n'Roll for censoring me.
     As their revolving editrixes move on to commercial ventures, each blames her predecessors for my demise... as if they had no control over the business... and couldn't simply invite me back.
     Send your comments to (or post on their facebook page) with the subject line: BRING BACK MYKEL! Let me know how they answer.

See you in hell.


NOTE: If you're interested in my travel blog, you can read it at

i DIED LAST NIGHT! or You're STILL Wrong, Mykel's February 2025 Blog/Column

  I DIED LAST NIGHT!, or You're STILL Wrong, Mykel's February 2025 Blog/Column   You’re STILL Wrong Mykel's January 2025 Blog/Co...