MAXIMUM ROCK'N'ROLL refused to print this column. That is their right. They did so without comment, or explanation. That is their wrong. If you disagree with their decision, or if you agree or if you have any other comment, please email MRR at: Thanks, Mykel
Irregular Column
(Mykel's Column for MRR 353, November... not printed)
Mykel Board
self-anointed Protectors of the Overprotected endlessly yammer about
breaking the "cycle of abuse," oblivious to the concept
that imprisoning someone is a particularly vicious perpetuation of
that cycle." --Jim Goad
a patriarchal society all heterosexual intercourse is rape because
women as a group are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.”
--Catherine MacKinnon
I'm madder than
Putin at a Pussy Riot show. I get a letter from Amnesty
International... one of the few charities I
donate to. (Not counting the guys on the street with a cup. Them,
I give to every day). A.I. fights torture and government abuse all
over the world, usually without giving a fuck about ideology.
But now? What's the
first paragraph of their appeal letter?:
regret to inform you that more than a decade into the 21st
century, women and girls are still being raped, beaten, killed by
family members and trafficked every day.
the fuck?
Flash to Abu
Ghraib prison: An Arab man lies naked, face up, on a sheet of
plywood. His hands and feet are tied to the corners. He's stretched
like someone ready to be drawn and quartered. Pulled tight over his
face, a cloth immobilizes his head. An American soldier holds a giant
watering can. He pours it down... over the man's face... into his
nose and mouth. Involuntarily gasping for breath, the tied man
inhales the water. His lungs fill. He gags... pukes... inhales his
own vomit... chokes... then more water. It's like death... he wants
to die.
Wikipedia: Waterboarding
can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, brain damage
from oxygen deprivation, other physical injuries including broken
bones due to struggling against restraints, lasting psychological
damage and death. Adverse physical consequences can manifest
themselves months after the event, while psychological effects can
last for years.
Women and
the only reports you'll see are people arrested for the CRIME of
torturing women. For women, it's abuse. For men, it's business as
to 21st
century American laws linking Selective Service registration
(compulsory military service) with getting a driver's license.
the scoop:
law (50 U.S.C. App. 451 et seq.) requires virtually all male
U.S. citizens, as well as immigrant men
in the U.S., to register with the Selective Service System (SSS) when
reaching age 18. In an effort to ensure compliance among young men,
many states have enacted legislation which links SSS registration
with the process of applying for a driver's license or state
identification card.
get it? Check out the war reports. When they talk about horrors...
evils... who gets mentioned? Women and children, of course. Killing
men? It's all in a day's work.
The Amnesty
International letter has a PS that says:
Board, (I
HATE being called MR. BOARD)
you hear of girls in Sierra Leone being genitally mutilated against
their will... I'm sure you think “What can I do to help?”
fuckin' Christ. BOYS are genitally mutilated against their will in
the U.S... thousands every day. It's called circumcision. And is
there a PEEP against it? Maybe, but not from Amnesty International.
don't give me this shit that it's
different because
boys only loose the tips and girls have to give up the whole shebang.
That's wrong! With very few exceptions (and these are evil, I'll
grant that), so-called female circumcision is just that. The
equivalent of female foreskin. Snip. Snip. Gone. That's it... not the
whole kit and caboodle. In any case, it's certainly as painful and as
involuntary in boys as in girls.
Even this punkrock
magazine is guilty of survivor syndrome... at least the
letters section.
sit on the toilet, a beer shit survivor, reading a letter from a
woman who is an
inappropriate touching survivor.
I don't have the exact quote, but it doesn't matter. Just the idea of
a touching
survivor should
make you puke.
You name it, and
some female is a SURVIVOR: a cancer survivor, survivors of “Intimate
Partner Violence,” domestic violence survivors, an alcohol abuse
survivor, a partner of alcohol abuse survivor, sexual harassment
survivors, and, of course, touching survivors.
Some feminists (see the Catherine MacKinnon quote at the beginning
of this column) believe every woman who has ever had sex with a man
is a rape survivor. Oy vey!
Listen buckaroos,
if you get through someone calling you a name... you are NOT a
survivor. If someone touches you in the wrong place... you are NOT a
survivor. If someone shows you dirty pictures at work... you are NOT
a survivor. If some construction worker makes sucking sounds when you
walk past... you are NOT a survivor.
TURN OF 21st THE CENTURY: I stand on the
sidewalk in front of Sophie's bar... fishin' for drinks. The NY
SCUM cassette just came out. It's a documentary of a CBGB
scumrock festival. I'm the head producer, yah dee dah... man of the
hour... now buy me a drink.
Also hangin' out
are now columnist George Tabb, and then columnist Jane Guskin.
“Hey George,” I
say, resting my arm on his shoulder, “pretty good cassette huh?”
“I'm not buying
you a drink, Mykel,” he says.
How'd he know I was
gonna ask?
Behind me I hear a
voice... loud... threatening.
“Where's Mykel
fuckin' Board?” it says.
I turn.
BLAM! A fist to my
jaw. I'm down... lying fetally on the sidewalk. CABLOOEY! A boot to
my ribs. I curl deeper into the helpless position. Above me is TC, a
local who did some postering and organizing for the scumrock
festival. He wants money from the tape... for his work... for his
effort... I should pay him from the tens of dollars I got from ROIR
for producing the cassette.
His foot draws back
for another boot to the ribs. I tense. A pair of legs appears between
TC's boot and my chest.
shouts the voice belonging to the woman ofthe legs. It's Jane.
she yells.
TC cowers...
mumbles something... walks away.
In this culture,
it's okay for guys to whack away at one another. You gotta be good
with your fists. If you don't fight back, you're a sissy. (I'm a
sissy.) But girls? Oh no, you should never hit a girl! You just can't
hit a girl. That's abuse. It worked for me. Thanks
Jane is my hero...
my heroine. But I'm not in danger of dying.
I was punched and
kicked, but I'm a punching-kicking VICTIM at best...
not a survivor.
[Note: Being
punched or kicked repeatedly by someone you live with does not make
you a domestic violence survivor... It makes you an
idiot. Get the fuck out of there!]
I am neither a
jock-itch nor a hemorrhoid survivor, though I've had both.
Survivors are
people who barely beat death and live to tell about it. Those guys
tortured in Guantanamo Bay... THEY are survivors. Pakistani families
that live through American bombing... THEY are survivors. George Tabb
who lived through the World Trade Center attacks and had half his
intestines removed because of the aftermath poison air... HE is a
Foreigners (almost
all MEN) forced into the US army to kill in Afghanistan or Pakistan
or who-knows-where's-next-stan... THEY are survivors.
[Note: Many U.S.
courts give political and economic refugees (men only) the choice of
possible death by entering the US military and killing Afghanis... or
returning to their home country to a more certain death. Which would
you choose?]
I sit at my desk in nothing but my underpants... boxer briefs. I type
with my left hand as the thumb of my right hand digs into my right
nostril... fishing out the discomfort. As a booger survivor, I know
the strain, heartbreak and suffering of intranasal offal.
I'm thinking about
the victims of the Christian shootings at the batman movie in
Colorado. And how about the one at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin?
People killed. People survived.
[Note: with one
exception ALL the mass shootings and other terrorist murders in the
last 20 years have been by CHRISTIANS! Why don't the NY cops have a
Christian task force? Why aren't they monitoring churches?
Infiltrating the Salvation Army? Don't they understand Christianity
is a VIOLENT religion? It's very symbol, the cross, is a weapon of
I'm wondering what
those who lived through the Sikh attacks... those with bullets in
various body places... with friends and family killed or maimed...
I'm wondering what they think of survivors of inappropriate touch.
A bubble of gas
rises in my bowels. I can feel it on the lower right side... it rises
up crosses from right to left... settles above my anus where I blow
it out in a burble... a very long burble. As a flatulence survivor, I
know I need to make adjustments, to get beyond my pain and get on
with my life.
NEWSPRINT: As if survivoritis
weren't bad enough, the same issue of MRR as the I-was-touched
letter has an interview with some NYC group whose job it is to help survivors.
Now, if some one is injured, raped, beaten, shot, they need support. I'm
happy that people volunteer to help... though from the sound of this
one it's women only
as victims... er... survivors, and men as perpetrators. But that's
not the worst of it.
Oh no, one of the
prime functions of this group is not help, but REVENGE. Helping the
victim... er... survivor is not enough. But they've got to PUNISH the
perpetrator. Give 'em the old backhand. Put 'em in jail. Break 'em.
Let 'em get raped by some big stud. That'll cure them of their
violent thoughts, right?
fuckin' Christ! Prison BUILDS rapists. Your push for revenge MAKES
MORE VIOLENCE. (Please don't call it justice. That's what everyone calls revenge.)
Girls, if you don't
like being touched, slap that hand. If you want to prevent violence
and abuse then act like Jane acted when she bravely stood between me
and that kicking boot. More than anything, learn to defend
yourselves... to fight back like I never did. That's VICTORY. There's
no survivor about it.
[email subscribers (
or blog viewers (
will get live links and a chance to post comments on the column. Your
zines, Cds/records, and... er... private
videos... can
and should be sent to me at: Mykel Board, POB 137, Prince Street
Station, New York NY 10012]
-->A horse is
a horse, of course, of course dept: The Progressive Magazine reports
that Rafalca, the
Romney's horse, costs about $29,000 a year in housing. The
average American family spends %16,000 on housing. Hey, turn that
barn into cheap accommodations. The horse? Dinner for ten!
-->Are they
news agency survivors? dept: Reuters reports that The
Japanese Atomic Energy Agency devoted a page on its website on how to
"make the hard words used in the nuclear power industry easier
to understand, particularly for women."
report about America's worst hip company dept: Democracy Now says
that two
Iranian Americans in Georgia were barred from making purchases at
local Apple stores. Why? Employees overhead them speaking Farsi.
Apple employees cited US export laws on Iran to justify their
My question: How the fuck did the shlubs who work at Apple identify FARSI when they heard it?
My question: How the fuck did the shlubs who work at Apple identify FARSI when they heard it?
perfect sense dept: As I write this, the Presidential campaign
wages on. It's as predictable as the hate mail from this column.
Romney has just named Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan is a handsome right-wing lunatic, who likes Rage Against The Machine. He's a wacko who Romney picked for the same reason Obama said he supported gay marriage. Gotta shore up the fringes... balance the ticket. Conservatives would stay away from Romney like Lefties from Obama. Gotta have some bait to bring 'em back to the fold. Let's hope it fails... on both sides.
Stein already won the Green Party nomination. Her running mate is
another woman... a great fuck you to
“balancing the ticket.” They've got my vote. Maybe after
November, Stein and her running-mate will call themselves election
survivors.Romney has just named Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan is a handsome right-wing lunatic, who likes Rage Against The Machine. He's a wacko who Romney picked for the same reason Obama said he supported gay marriage. Gotta shore up the fringes... balance the ticket. Conservatives would stay away from Romney like Lefties from Obama. Gotta have some bait to bring 'em back to the fold. Let's hope it fails... on both sides.