by Mykel Board
or Mykel Pulls the Ole
There is another elephant
in the room we're not discussing: racism and how it's putting our
entire society at risk when it comes to mass shooters. If a black kid
was pulling knives on his family and threatening their lives, just
how fucking long do you think he'd be allowed to remain free, walking
among us until he finally snapped? If a black kid made people as
uncomfortable as Adam Lanza did, would he make it to 20 years old and
a mass shooting of an elementary school before people FINALLY deemed
him dangerous? Black kids can't even listen to loud music in parking
lots before they're perceived as threatening, yet somehow white kids
like Adam Lanza go their whole lives with excuses being made for them
before they finally snap and kill dozens. --Comment
on a blog post about the Sandy Hook school killings
looks like an anus. It's pink and the size of a baby's fist. In
French Guiana, they call it a pomme
rosa. I don't know what it's called here in Suriname... maybe a
Suriname apple. I sit here in Paramaribo, munching on one, deciding
that it indeed tastes more like an apple than an anus. Eyes closed,
tongue only, I would've guessed anus on the lick, apple at first
bite. On the other hand, if I started on the BACK of the fruit, I
would only guess apple, without anal influence.
Sometimes, what it takes to understand
something is to put in the switch. Take the back for the front, the
top for the bottom, the apple for the anus. The same switcheroo works
in human relations. You'd get a whole nother understanding, if you
substitute black for white. Gay for straight. Old for young. Jew for
For this column, I focus on race. It's
something I've been thinking a lot about recently, and it's all I
have room for.
Take gun-control... please. My
long-time readers know I oppose gun-control. Background checks are
worthless, as most of the notorious (mainly white) school killers
have no criminal backgrounds. Most murders committed with non-stolen
guns are done by first timers. Background checks-- like permanent
sex-offender registrations-- are just another Big Brother invasion
that makes it impossible to simply serve your time
and be over with it.
written before that American violence comes from a culture of
violence. A place where standing up for human rights
means killing people... where protecting American interests
means killing people... where the solution to every international
problem means killing people. It's hard to imagine that people in
such a society would solve their problems any other way than by
killing people. Guns don't kill people. AMERICANS kill people.
That said, there
are those who just don't get it. They want to ban semi-automatic
weapons. Have background checks. Make it harder to get a gun than to
get a car. (Guess which one kills more people.) With ideas as
un-American as that, these people don't get very far... but they
could. There is a strategy that would have Americans chomping at the cheeseburger for gun-control.
Here's some fuel
for the other side: I want to teach them how to promote their point
of view. How to achieve gun control quicker than a hundred full-page
ads in THE NATION. I'm not afraid to reveal this technique. I have
nothing to fear. They never listen to me anyway.
So what is the
amazing gun control method? You guessed it, buckaroos. It's the
Here's the plan. A
bunch of black guys buy high-powered assault rifles and go out to the
hills of Montana... er better make that Tennessee. The uniform is the
old Black Panther one. Black beret, red sweatshirt with a clenched
fist on the front, and a panther on the back. They practice target
shooting with target cutouts of Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. They
do two hundred push-ups... run 20 miles... every day. They develop
tight military skill, become an army. They call themselves the
Trayvon Militia.
You wanna see how fast there's gun control? Mitch McConnell
introduces it the day after the NY POST runs its exposé. The NRA
calls for MORE restraints on gun ownership, just like they SUPPORTED
gun-control during the Black Panther era. If folks want to bring
back that support, all they have to do is bring back the Black
Panthers... or something like them. Every Dixiecrat and Tea Partiyer
will be hiding under the bandwagon until congress controls those
SCENARIO TWO: It's a typical day under Michael Bloomberg. In Midtown,
the tourists and the businessmen mingle in la-de-dah appreciation of
the new New York. New skyscrapers. New bike lanes. New rich
people. The only cop to be seen is the smiley-faced woman directing
traffic around the new blocks of tar in the middle of the street...
closed to cars and renamed PARKS. It's all part of Bloomberg's
Greening of New York.
But in Brooklyn, in
Brownsville-- called Blacksville by the locals-- things are
different. A group of black teens has just been visiting their
schoolmates. Friends hanging out in the projects. Get together,
listen to music, talk about girls. As they leave the building, they
hear, “Alright, freeze.”
They are not
afraid. It happens all the time. A cop, shorter than they are, night
stick hanging from his belt, speaks the words. The kids know the
“Hands up against the side of the building. Spread your legs. Look
straight ahead,” They stand next to each other. Hands against the
building. The cop frisks up and down their legs, making sure to press
against their balls, then their ass, then front pockets.
“What's this?”
asks the cop, feeling around in the front pocket of one of the boys.
“It's my wallet,”
says the boy.
“Take it out,”
says the cop, “slowly.”
The boy removes the
wallet and hands it to the cop. The cop opens it, rifles through the
ID section, comes across a couple condoms.
“You use these a
lot?” he asks.
“Not as much as I
want to,” answers the boy.
The cop doesn't
It happens...
happened dozens of times a day. Called “stop and frisk,” the
theory is that if you make it likely that people will be stopped on
the street, then they won't carry weapons or drugs. It'll make the
streets safer.
course, it is unconstitutional. The fourth amendment prohibits
unreasonable searches and seizures and requires a warrant supported
by “probable cause.” But because these guys are black, the
constitution doesn't matter. White folks tell them “it's for your
own good,” like a parent excusing the beating of a child. “It
makes your neighborhoods safer,” they say. But the people who
actually LIVE in those neighborhoods don't think so.
So, what's the cure for Stop and
Frisk? Easy. The old switcheroo!
Now we're in Times
Square... across Broadway from that stupid billboard-screen that
shows live video of people across the street. It's a huge collective
selfie. A massive ego display of people wanting to see themselves on
video, looking at themselves on video.
A vacationing
couple from Japan makes peace signs. They jump up and down pogo-style
to locate themselves on the display. They hear, but don't understand, a voice from behind them.
“Hands up against
the side of the building. Spread your legs. Look straight ahead,”
it says.
The tourists don't
understand English, and have no way of knowing the cop is talking to
them. They continue jumping and snapping pix.... until they're
tackled. Somewhere there's a scream. The man's head hits the ground.
He lies now with shattered glasses.
“I said up
against the side of the building,” shouts the cop.
The couple
struggles upwards. The cop pushes them against the building, grabbing
wrists and ankles to position them correctly. When frisking the man,
the uniformed one pushes his hand hard between his legs. The crowd,
now gathered around the pair, gasps as the man doubles over in pain.
The cop forcibly straightens him up.
After the frisk and
some passport showing, the cop walks away. He meets up with another
officer further down the street.
“I always look
for the Japanese,” he tells the co-cop. “Remember that sneak
attack in Pearl Harbor... you can never tell.”
Meanwhile in Wall
Street, cops push stock brokers and bankers against the wall,
examining pockets and suit jacket linings for smuggled insider
trading information.
“You can never
tell,” says Mayor Bloomberg when challenged. “Those stockbrokers
and bankers caused a lot more pain than any mugger. We gotta keep 'em
under control. Make 'em afraid.”
The Japanese
government protests. There is a sit-in on Wall Street. The brokerage
companies occupy themselves. In a week, Stop and Frisk is stopped.
For everyone.
SCENARIO THREE: Okay, you've heard about the Knockout Game®
Origins unknown, it came to prominence here in New York when a slew
of Hasidic Jews... including woman and children as young as 12...
were attacked. The story goes that the motive is a game... a kind of
contest among young black guys. See who can knock out the Jew with
one blow. Pow, s/he's down. You hit twice, you lose. So here's the
An older colored lady, grandmotherly, walks with a cane down the
streets of Crown Heights... the borderline district. She's alone on a
Monday night. Slowly, she goes forward on the sidewalk. Cane-tap,
step, step. Cane-tap, step, step. A big SUV rounds the corner... the
windows dark. It passes her and turns right at the next corner.
Cane-tap, step, step. Cane-tap, step, step. The woman begins to feel
uncomfortable. She pulls closer to the buildings, just hugging the
porches as she walks from one to the other in her slow march home.
Cane-tap, step, step. Cane-tap, step, step. The street is silent
except for the low hum of an approaching car. It's the same car...
the same SUV that passed her before.
time it stops. The side door opens. Eight or nine young men get out.
They're white men, wearing long black coats, curly sideburns, and
turn! My turn!” yells a particularly large young man, as he
approaches the woman. In the young man's grin, the woman sees the
space of a missing tooth. It's the last thing she sees before the
approaching knuckles rip into her face, sending her reeling to the
ground. She loses consciousness and smashes her head on the sidewalk
before she can hear the joyful yells of “I DID IT! I DID IT!” She
dies on the way to the hospital.
Sharpton, who's already
criticized the black-on-Jew version of the Knockout Game®, is up again. “This has got to stop!” he says. This time,
Rabbis and Black Ministers agree. There are marches in Jewish and
Black neighborhoods. Huge posters appear with KNOCK
IS SHLOCK on them. Mayor De Blasio's Afro-ed son is
photographed tongue-kissing a rabbi's son. We are the World
re-enters the Top 40, and The Game is over.
These days, I can't write fast enough to outrun reality. As I type
these words, an email appears from Social Reader. It reports
on an alleged attack by Hassidic Jews on a solo gay black youth. From
the report it isn't clear whether this is a case of “reverse
knockout” or your run-of-the-mill gay bashing-- or even a complete
fraud. Who can tell in these days of charges and counter-charges
thrown at the speed of Twitter? So for now, my solution is only a
fantasy. We'll have to wait for larger numbers before we see if it
[You can contact email me at
Postal contact (send those... er... private DVDs..or music or
zines... or anything else-- legal only) to: Mykel Board, POB 137, New
York, NY 10012-0003 If you like my writing, you can be notified when
anything new is available. Just join the MYKEL'S READERS Yahoo group]
--> Crossover dept:
I'm (too slowly) writing a travel blog of my last trip. But I did
want to mention that bands who want to tour in South America might
start in the Guyanas. A promoter contact in Suriname is Jerry Orie,
PINNACLE GROUP, Commissaris Weythingweg 142b Paramaribo SURINAME
(+597) 462-830
Jerry is a great guy, and if he can find a spot for you, he will. His
tastes run to the metal side of punk, but he's open-minded to
everything except shit.
--> Pat
Buchanan gets it right dept:
Over at,
arch villain, Pat Buchanan,
absolutely nails it with his analysis of Al Qaeda
and America at war. Like Ron Paul, this guy who's awful at domestic
policy-- the epitome of the worst of paddle your own
canoe-ism-- is right
about foreign policy.
Here's a sample quote: Is it not time to put al-Qaeda in
perspective and consider whether our Mideast policy is creating more
terrorists than we are killing?
Yet, in 2010, not one death here in America resulted from terrorism. That year, however, 780,000 Americas died of heart disease, 575,000 of cancer, 138,000 from respiratory diseases, 120,000 in accidents (35,000 in auto accidents), 69,000 from diabetes, 40,000 in drug-induced deaths, 38,000 by suicide, 32,000 by liver disease, 25,000 in alcohol-induced deaths, 16,000 by homicide and 8,000 from HIV/AIDS.
Is terrorism the killer we should fear most and invest the lion’s share of our resources fighting?
--> Blowing
my own department: I think I
posted this before, but I'm too lazy to double check. Early in 2013,
I guested on Blag Dahlia's radio show RADIO LIKE YOU WANT You
can hear the interview here.
--> Internet
boiling dept: As I write this, America seems embroiled in such
sensitivity overkill, that anyone of any notice is virtually gagged.
The latest is some actor in Duck Dynasty. It's a show I've
never seen (I don't have cable), and am not particularly interested
in. Evidently, the show's star gave an interview to GQ magazine... on
his own time. In the interview, he gave non-liberal views of gay
life and race relations. POW! He's fired... only for saying what he
thinks. The guy loses his job for speaking... off the job.
This kind of
firing/banning-- he's the latest, but there've also been Howard
Stern, Imus, and a ton of others-- reminds me of the McCarthy era
studio blacklisting of lefty actors . Neither case was government
censorship. Both were just as effective. My pal, Jim Goad, wrote
about it. It's a good read, though he doesn't mention McCarthy.
Maybe this switcheroo didn't work. Too much time in between
and one side forgets about the other.
UPDATE: OH NO!! Again, before the ones and zeros are dry on the screen, A&E reinstates the Duck guy making me agree with a critic who thinks the whole thing was a publicity stunt from the get-go.
UPDATE: OH NO!! Again, before the ones and zeros are dry on the screen, A&E reinstates the Duck guy making me agree with a critic who thinks the whole thing was a publicity stunt from the get-go.
--> Keeping
the pressure on: I want to thank reader George Metesky for
suggesting a Bring Mykel Back concerted effort directed at
Maximum Rock'n'Roll. He forwarded me an answer to a letter MRR
printed where the editors excuse my firing not as censorship for
content, but because I “refused to answer letters in the
letters section.”
That is wrong. I
only asked that I be allowed to say I don't LIKE to answer letters
there. I feel it's unfair to the letter-writer for the
columnist to always get the last word. If they want me to answer
there, I will. SO, here I'm publicly agreeing to abide by their
rules. Here it is in ones and zeros. Their reason for my being
censored disappears.
I hope you'll cut
and paste the paragraph above into an email, and send it-- along with
your comments-- to
with the subject line: BRING MYKEL BACK. Let me know how they answer.